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About our Colorado Politics news
Latest news on Colorado Politics, covering all the latest developments on gun control, health care, water rights, energy development, immigration, education and more.
Colorado is considered a blue state, meaning that it tends to vote for Democratic candidates in national and state elections. However, it was once a purple state that was somewhat Republican until the early 21st century, when changing demographics and a growing number of unaffiliated voters shifted the state's political orientation. Colorado also has a history of voter initiatives that limit the power of state government, such as term limits, tax restrictions and education funding mandates.
Colorado is represented by two U.S. Senators and eight U.S. Representatives in the federal government. Both Senators are Democrats: Michael Bennet and John Hickenlooper. Of the eight Representatives, five are Democrats and three are Republicans. Colorado also has a Democratic governor, Jared Polis, who was elected in 2018. The state legislature is also controlled by Democrats, who have majorities in both chambers.